Tuesday, 12 June 2012

P10 review


I reviewed the project management process an identified successfully and unsuccessfully choices made and decisions taken

I meet all the project specification. In this project specification I spoke about my group’s responsibilities and mainly my own. I clearly state how the project meets the requirements of all the stakeholders e.g. client and target audience.

The target audience is for Business men (who travel a lot), 20-50 years old, Male, Middle class, £40,000+ annual income. It is common for this target audience to have a smart phone such as a blackberry meaning that the phone application will be handy.

When designing my homepage I made my website have a good colour scheme. The website also had to be updated all the time to the related theme depending on the month of the year and also when adding offers and discounts on our products. Flash animation was also designed to display the products.  Contact details were to be easily spotted and the main page on the front fold which I also did.

One of my responsibilities in this project was to design the suitcases and add the GPS tracking device inside. I used paint to edit the pictures and create the product. This was gone very well by all three members of the group.

We meet all actual dates according to the project plan. Reasons in which some projects fail are because they miss the planning dates. The team does not review the project in time and then fails to stay within the project time. Some other ways in which project fails are:

·        Poor communication
·        No time for project management
·        Lack of change management
·        Poorly risk defined deliverables
·        Over optimism
·        Inadequate estimate

We also had three meetings which helped a lot in discussing the project and how we was going to tackle the challenge ahead. 

Some of the issues we discussed were each member of the group was at and if needing any help should ask and we would have helped, designing the project, implementing and at the end test and present it to the clients. We did this very well even with some minor setbacks which happened because of college strikes and teachers being ill.